01 November 2000

Internet from the top of the world: Nepal Case Study

Seymour Goodman, Tim Kelly, Michael Minges and Larry Press. 2000. The Internet from the top of the world: Nepal Case Study. Geneva, Switzerland: International Telecommunication Union.
See the post in Internet Case Study blog.

Computing at the top of the world

Goodman, S., Kelly, T., Minges, M. and Press, L. 2000. "International perspectives: Computing at the top of the world." Communications of the ACM 43, 11 (Nov. 2000), 23-27.

From handyphone to i-mode

M. Minges, T. Kelly & B. Petrazzini. (2000). “Asia-Pacific Mobile Markets: From handyphone to i-mode." ITU News 9, November.